NZAO Hero M3


$4,250 + GST per stand

Floor plan available soon


  • 3mW x 1.2mD x 2.3mH coal corinthian panel stand
  • Trestle table, 2 chairs and a table cloth (if required)
  • Company name signage on back wall
  • Multi-box power supply
  • Two spot lights facing into the stand
  • Company listing and logo on the conference app, including a 250 word profile (supplied by the exhibitor)


  • Two complimentary conference registration including tickets to Thursday’s conference dinner

Delegate information

  • A list of conference delegates (name, organisation and city) sent one week before the conference (the list excludes delegates who have requested privacy).

Exhibition allocation process

  • Location preference within the exhibition is given to Principal sponsors, and then site allocation will be processed in order of receipt of the completed application form.